Paul and Alex

Paul and Alex, drawn from two photos. Paul looked better in one and Alex the other and I've been meaning for a while to try putting them together to see if it would work. The main problem was that the two original photos were so small. They were taken in Dubai around 1996/7 and the light was really good coming in the window, I liked how it reflected on their faces.


Wilfred said…
Now it's my turn to comment. Wonderful image. You make it look so easy! keep them coming.
Edward Burton said…
An absolutely beautiful double portrait. You did such a great job combining the two photos. Well done!
Grahame Butler said…
This is a beautiful portrait, I can only sit back and admire your talant.
Doda said…
Your portraits are amazing. (Thanks for the nice comment you put on my blog. I will do more watercolours sometime soon.)

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